Saturday, November 26, 2005

The HIndu on Hartman de Souza

There this interesting post about our very own journo friend Hartman de Souza, titled He's true to his heart written in The Hindu by my former Deccan Herald colleague C K Meena."

What's Hartman doing these days?" a friend asked me recently. "He's carving totem poles," I said. She nodded understandingly. I could have said "He's growing tulips in Jaisalmer" and she would have received the information just as equably. Hartman de Souza, theatre veteran, has a unique approach to life, to put it mildly. He wants to sell sculpted poles to fund his theatre activities. Surely, there are less arduous ways to raise money, but Hartman is keenly aware that when easy money comes in window, idealism goes out door.