Monday, December 19, 2005

Systems of rice intensification

Was just reading (in Dams, Rivers and People Vol 3 Issue 8-9 Sept Oct 2005) a brief mention of the increase of rice production in rain-fed areas of Cambodia due to SRI, or systems of rice intensification. This is supported by the European Commission and GTZ (the German technology agency). Unlike pesticide/fertilizer-based 'Green Revolution' technologies, this is considered to be a sustainable manner of increasing yields.

It is also reporting success from Andhra Pradesh. Does anyone know if this is being/can be applied in a place like Goa?

A quote: SRI is becoming increasingly well-established paddy cultivation method that consumes only as much water compared to the present normal practice, requires only two kgs/acre of seed, involves early transplantation of single seedlings (8-10 days old) with spacing of 25x25 cm, less use of chemical fertilizers, and yeild that is double the normal practice. The food grain produced is better for health as the application of chemical inputs is reduced...